Filter Generator

For the coming in-class demonstration, please download this filter generator script. Upon opening, you should see the following components:

A component generating a 2D Gaussian filter, with two sliders controlling size and sigma.

Practice 1: Construct a golden spiral

We demonstrated how to generate Fibonacci sequence with for loop and List class. Since Fibonacci sequence is associate with approximation of the golden spiral, it will be a good practice for you to construct the spiral with C# and Grasshopper.

Approximate Golden Spiral with Fibonacci sequence

Appearance of Golden Spiral in nature

Construct Golden Spiral with C# and Grasshopper

Hint 1: Observe the movement pattern of the arc center

Centers of consecutive arcs

Hint 2: Construct Arc with 5th constructor and set its StartAngle and EndAngle

Hint 3: Vector3d will be helpful for moving Point3d

xdd's solution

Practice 2: Alternate the filter I implemented

Example: Laplacian filter for sharpening edges